Department Administrations

Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Mustafa POLAT
Vice Head of Department: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet DİLAVER
Vice Head of Department: Assistant Prof.Dr. Gamze ATAK

Head of Atomic and Molecular Physics Division: Prof. Dr. Şeyda ÇOLAK
Head of General Physics Division: Prof.Dr. Leya YILDIRIM
Head of Solid State Physics Division: Prof. Dr. Abdullah CEYLAN
Head of Theoretical and Computational Physics Division: Prof. Dr. Fatih YAŞAR
Head of Nuclear Physics Division: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet DİLAVER
Head of High Energy and Plasma Physics Division: Prof. Dr. Ahmet Mecit ÖZTAŞ

Former Heads of Department

==Computer Center == Student Affairs Office == Software Center == Admin System == Computer Center Portal == Cloud System == Personel Phone Search ==

Postal Address: Beytepe Village Hacettepe University Beytepe Campus Faculty of Engineering Department of Physics Engineering 1596 street Nu:35 06800 Çankaya Ankara
Phone : +90 312 297 7200
Fax : +90 312 299 2037
E-posta : fizbs (at)

The content of this site is determined by the Department management.

Limitation of Liability: Although the information on this website has been carefully prepared, the Department of Physics Engineering of Hacettepe University cannot and does not guarantee its accuracy. It is the responsibility of the individuals to use this information and Hacettepe University Faculty of Engineering Department of Physics Engineering cannot be held responsible for any damages that may arise.