
What is Physics Engineering?

Physics is a fundamental science that investigates and makes it possible to apply the laws that controls the evolution and the operation of the universe. With this characteristic, physics has led the natural historical development of science initially in classical engineering fields like civil, mining and electronics and subsequently the modern engineering fields like computer, chemistry, food and environmental. Furthermore, physics will be the pioneering science in the growth of contemporary engineering fields related to superconductivity, photonics, biophysics and nanotechnology. In this regard, physics can be thought as the main actor that controls and develops engineering fields which have already emerged and the ones yet to be discovered. Since it aims to implement the universal laws by means of measurable quantities, applied physics is also an engineering field. Applied physics or physics engineering departments in many universities in the world have been continuing their education and research programs within the scope mentioned above. Although there have been contributions from other science and engineering fields, most of today's technological products like cell phones, computers, internet, airplanes, satellites etc. have been discovered and developed by physicists and physics engineers.


Foundation of Physics Engineering Department of Hacettepe University dates back to Hacettepe Physics Institute established in 1967 by a group of physicists lead by Prof. Dr. Numan Zengin. Physics Institute had two completely separated education programs one of which was M.Sc. in Physics Engineering. Knowing that physics is the main actor in developing new engineering fields founders built a curriculum that was more focused on experimental and applied studies. The new curriculum was a successor of already established physics engineering education continuing in the Faculty of Science of Ankara University. The second education program was M.Sc. in Physics. This program aimed to educate new researchers to be employed in the universities. The success of this program has been observed in the scientific studies of faculties working in various universities in Turkey as well as those of the ones in Physics Engineering Department of H.U.
After new regulations in the law of higher education in 1982, Physics Engineering Department became a part of the Faculty of Engineering. Today, the department successfully conducts Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. education programs. So far the department has granted more than 1100 B.Sc., 200 M.Sc. and 80 Ph.D. degrees and its graduates proudly serve for our country being aware of the value of their diplomas.
These programs have played an important role in the recognition of the Physics Engineering concept bye the academic world and the penetration of this new role in the economical sphere.
The other program introduced in the Physics Institute was the graduate program in Physics. This program has proven to be very successful in creating a large number of high quality academic stuff in due time not only for the Hacettepe University itself, but various other universities.
One of the principal new trends this Institute has brought into the academic world at the begining was the establishment of the new and modern experimental research laboratories and the emphasis on the experimental research (such as atomic and molecular physics, nuclear physics, solid state physics and crystallography). This has been, to some degre, due to some young scientists who joined in the Institute after they finished their Ph. D's in these new and emerging fields abroad.
This new emphasis on the experimental and applied research and training have played an important role in the development of these activities country wide bye setting a role model, but more important effect has been in the formation of the engineers (quite different than the standard formation of the conventional engineers) trained in this department who could undertake new reponsibilities in the economical sphere. Based on the contributions of these two new type of engineers in economy time, there have been a sizeable and sustainable demand by the prominent industrial establishments for these engineers.
Another important mission undertaken by the department was to undertake the responsibility of traing the core academic staff of the physics departments of some newly established universities, like Kayseri Erciyes, Sivas Cumhuriyet, Eskişehir Anadolu, Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs Universities. As the quantity and the quality of the academic staff are most crucial for the presence and activities of these Institutions at the universal scale, this function has probably been the most useful activities os department.
In addition to 1100 B.S. holders, the department have educated 200 M.S. degree holders and 80 PH.D. holders. Physics Engineering Department pursues its training and research in 6 principle branch areas. The training and education programs have three layers, ranging from B.S. to Ph.D., diploma amd Master of Science in Physics.


Uzun yılların deneyimi sonucunda Just as the case in most of the universities in the world, education is to be completed in 8 semesters. Since one third of the courses are taught in English and almost all of the lecture notes are in English, newly registered students are expected have good reading, writing and speaking skills in English. The ones with lack of English knowledge are enrolled to English Preparation School for one year and they begin their engineering education afterwards.


Students enrolled in our department, one-year foreign language (English) on the preparatory training, a four-year undergraduate degree in Physics received a degree in Physics Engineering are successful they are.

Educational programs for at least one third of our courses are in English.

Physics Engineer diploma taken in people, applied research, development and technology in the production which will help level the basic physical, electronic and computer knowledge as well as extensive laboratory experience and a certain degree of engineering culture, also to be taken are shown.

Department of

Atomic and Molecular Physics
Solid State Physics
High Energy and Plasma Physics
Mathematical Physics
General Physics
Nuclear physics


Magnetic Resonance Research. Lab.
Nuclear Physics Research. Lab.
Low Temperature Physics Res. Lab.
X-ray Res. Lab.
Thin Film Research. Lab.
Advanced Materials Research. Lab.
Res amorphous semiconductors. Lab.
Numerical Analysis Research. Lab.
Superconductivity and Nano-Technology Res. Lab.

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Postal Address: Beytepe Village Hacettepe University Beytepe Campus Faculty of Engineering Department of Physics Engineering 1596 street Nu:35 06800 Çankaya Ankara
Phone : +90 312 297 7200
Fax : +90 312 299 2037
E-posta : fizbs (at)

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